Weird and Wonderful!


was at the One of a Kind show in Toronto (2023) and I was chatting with other potters commenting on their work and their passion and what inspires them when one of them asked me “What kind of pottery do you create?”. Without so much as a thought I said I like the weird and wonderful! They politely laughed and went on selling their wares leaving me standing there thinking about my response. Its taken me a few days but I am prepared to own it, I don’t get excited about normal functional pieces, mugs, plates, bowls yes I’ll make a few but my favourite are the ones that morph. The pieces that force the observer to smile, to feel something. I find myself drawn to all things that evoke emotion. Lets be honest, I’ve never gone to a home store and thought of any mug, plate or bowl as anything more than functional. I’ve never stood in Kitchen stuff plus clutching a mug declaring my love for it. Some people do and that’s wonderful for them. I have a cupboard full of functional ware I would gladly donate to them. Bottom line I am weird and I am wonderful, and my creations are “One and Done!”.